Sunday, October 19, 2008
The media seems to have more sympathy on him giving him quite ample space to say what he wants. May be the media too realizes that it has to do this now and even later under the PM in waiting Najib. That is why many people believe that Najib is basically Mahathir’s “protégé” who will not push hard for the Judiciary Reform, let alone to seek the truth on the “Lingam tape” debacle where Tun Mahathir is implicated. Mahathir is getting bolder by the day and even throwing, this time a challenge to the judiciary to prove his guilt or wrong doings, if any. He did throw a similar challenge before to the public. He knows too well that under Najib he will be safe and protected, but not under Abdullah.
Of course under Anwar he is sure to be brought to Court and prosecuted. In fact not only Mahathir but also other political leaders in the BN, like Samy Vellu. Anwar has made Reports to the Police and the ACA on Mahathir which had been lying there for years now with no action taken. So we can expect the fate of these reports more or less when Najib takes over as PM.
But what has this got to do with the UMNO Youth leadership contest?
KJ – Mukhritz is a proxy battle between Pak Lah and Mahathir or more specifically between Mahathirism and Anti Mahathirism. The battle has already started but Pak Lah’s exit has stifled this initiative somewhat. That is why he is rushing to get the THREE vital Acts, on the Judiciary, Anti Corruption and the Police get through to Parliament as these are KEY OPENERS to UNFOLD all past corrupt practices and PREVENT future corrupt activities besides ensuring Transparency, Integrity and Accountability in the administration. But unless some ONE continues persistently pushing these reforms that brought through these Acts, it is going to be business as usual.
Knowing Najib’s feeling for the Tun, that’s what we anticipate will happen eventually. Najib will not go to the extent of TREATING Mahathir as what the present Indonesian government did to the late Suharto. Come on Najib! It is not that difficult to PIN him down for his misdeeds. Just check the Petronas record. And this is one example. If you need more just see what Anwar Ibrahim had submitted to the Police and the ACA Anwar knew it all as he was Mahathir’s deputy for years when all these misdeeds were committed.
Why the people want to go after him is just to get back the public money that had been squandered during his administration through the abuse of power, nepotism and cronyism just like what Suharto did in Indonesia, no more no less. Were not these issues raised by no other person than the present Minister in the PM’s Department, Zahid Hamidi during one of the UMNO’ General Assembly where he made an indirect scotching attacks on Mahathir?! And it was during this meeting that the words CRONISM, NEPOTISM were first used to label; Mahathir’s doings. And of course Zahid was speaking on behalf of Anwar Ibrahim at that time! The result – Anwar was kicked out of UMNO and sent to jail. But Zahid survived and repented and NOW making a comeback! You see how dirty politics is. To day Zahid becomes a strong critic of Anwar who used to be his “mentor”!
Tun Mahathir wants his son to wrestle the Youth head post by all means as this will be a good stepping stone for his political future carrier. And of course he has the FINANCIAL resources to do that. And his long term mission is to put his son to become the Prime Minister one day. Only then can he be assured of the PROTECTION of his LEGACIES and most importantly his PRIVATE INTERESTS which according to grapevine stories are locked in here and overseas under various proxies.
HOW MUCH is the Tun WORTH you think? Have a guess! He is smart. What he owned or where his financial interests are located can never be traced as all ot most of them are under PROXIES. Who are these proxy holders? Everyone can guess. Those direct beneficiaries and close associates of his who became prominent corporate figures during his two decades in power! This is the BEAUTY of our proxy laws and our banking secrecy acts. People can hide behind their cloaks. Just imagine if the Banks were allowed to REVEAL who and who owns what in this country, sure HELL will let loose!!
JUST THINK the Study made by a US Research private institution that came out with the findings that over the last 30 years, the amount of CORRUPTION involve in Malaysia is US 300 billion!!. Who are the recipients of these huge sums of money? Can any political party dare make this as its MANIFESTO? At least to liberalise the provisions relating to these two issues, PROXY LAWS and BANK SECRECY LAWS?
KJ is now the underdog. And from now on he will have to behave like the business cliché “DOG EAT DOG” if he wants to survive and continue to survive politically. Or else he just retire from politics, get his MP’s pension and start some business on his own using all the money he had accumulated which presumably is a healthy sum!. At least grapevine stories had it that he made MR 100 million out of the Malayan Banking deal with Kalimullah and backed by the Second Minister of Finance Nor Yakcob who according to some source controls the WINE business in this country!!
For KJ, it is going to be a long and tiring battle because he also aspires to become the Prime Minister one day. The “MARATHON” race requires resilience not only by him but also Mukhriz. Resilience here means mental strength.
And most importantly “FINANCIAL STRENGTH”.
KJ who already started accumulating his financial resources whilst his father in law is in power, and aided by people like Kalimullah and Patrick Lim ( read the various articles in the press and most importantly the various BLOGS on this) is going to face real problem after Pak Lah’s exit. Because he will no longer have anymore ACCESS to money making. Furthermore those individuals who played the in- between or king maker roles in all these deals are leaving the scene following Pak Lah’s exit. These individuals are mercenaries of sort, and have no qualms whatsoever on what they did in this regard. After all it had happened to other people like them before who had played such roles under the previous administration. Such people come and go. So in terms of financial strength, KJ lacks far behind Mukhriz and no matter how hard KJ tries from now on, he can never beat Mukhriz on this score. Remember too the corporate leaders who were running high during Tun’s reign of power, but had remained under low profile during Pak Lah’ era, may make a come back under Najib and realign themselves with Najib . And this will be good for Mukriz too to see his father’s OLD FRIENDS rejuvenated after possibly SUFFERED IN SILENCE during Pak Lah’s time. So you may want to put your BET on the TWO. But I tell you if Mukriz wins the contest, what we have been saying about the GODFATHER is a prophecy coming true.
If all what is said comes true, then we have a dynasty of sort developing in the country’s future leadership. Whether this augers well or otherwise for the future of the nation is anybody’s guess at this time. But whatever it is, we would like to remind the young generation on one important and vital thing. Since independence and even before God has been very kind to our country. HE has blessed this country with rich natural resources and HE has spared this country from natural calamities and disasters like earthquakes, typhoons and other calamities like the outbreak of diseases and above all the ravages of civil wars of any kind, except the minor skirmishes during the May '69 riot. The country’s leadership has managed to keep our multi racial, multi religious and multicultural people to live in peace and harmony although the stability of our social fabric gets threatened from time to time by irresponsible and extremist elements in our society.
This country needs a leader who is a MODERATE in ALL aspects but FIRM and RESOLUTE. But the dilemma is that no way can such a leader emerge under a regime of “MONEY POLITICS” except from PAS possibly because of their religious commitment against Corruption. For PKR is equally doubtful. After all most of the PKR members were really UMNO splinters who supported Anwar and lost everything when Anwar fell from grace. They were all at one time RECEIPIENTS and part and parcel of the Money Politics Culture. Let me LEAVE YOU WITH THIS THOUGHT.
All these while UMNO committee members at the Branch, Divisional levels right to the top have enjoyed the politics of money patronage, as a ruling party in government. Their numbers total about 2,000 in all. They are well fed and financially wealthy. They attend the UMNO ASSEMBLY and they decided who the Prime Minister in this country.
They are warlords in their own right.. How do you expect them to change their “HABITS” when these are their source of comfort in their daily lives? Maybe if you change the RULES or put in place NEW people.
Even if you do that or manage to do that thru the various REFORMS initiated by Pak Lah, there is no GUARANTEE that they will change their habits. So think about it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Malays and other Bumiputra group are and will continue to be the DOMINANT group in this country for many many years to come. It could be forever as they constitute no less than 65% of the total population between now and 2020 and this percentage will increase further till 2030 and will stabilize at that level thereafter. How can we achieve political and social stability and finally national unity when they as a group OWN and CONTROL only 20% of the country’s wealth?
The Malays will never ALLOW and TOLERATE a Prime Minister or a Menteri Besar who is not a Malay and a Muslim in areas or States where they are in a majority. Again this is nothing UNUSUAL If the Chinese or Indians constitute the majority of Malaysia’s population, to day they will feel and behave the same way – they want Leaders who are of their OWN race. This is not being RACIST. It is a REALITY of human nature. The Malays, the Chinese or the Indians will be more comfortable to have a LEADER of their own race. This is what is implanted INSIDE THE HEART of every Malay, Chinese or Indian. Of course, openly, they say they won’t mind whoever is the Prime Minister or the MB as long as he or she is fair to all. BUT deep INSIDE there is an inborn PREFERENCE and DESIRE for one’s own race. Within this context a LEADER who claims to champion for the rights and welfare of people other than his OWN RACE is a HYPOCRIT be it Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban. No one in Malaysia can become like Mahatma Gandhi who at the time of India’s independence wanted Ali Jinnah to be the first Prime Minster, to prevent India being divided into Hindu India and Muslim India when the REALITY is that the majority of India’s population are Hindus and hence a Muslim can NEVER be the Prime Minister of the new Independent India. Anyone who saw the academy award winning movie Gandhi will understand what I mean when you see Jawaharlal Nehru’ reaction when Mahatma Gandhi put that suggestion across. And as we know Gandhi did not get his wish, India was divided and Pakistan was born. The rest is history.
Racial politics or Politicks based on racial lines can never be eradicated in Malaysia’s political life as it has always been and will continue to be for many years to come. This is again another REALITY. Unless of course there is massive inter marriages taking place by the millions each year! among the races so that after one or two generations or more the main ethnic races will disappear - which is a Utopian Dream? The Malays will always remain as Malays, the Chinese as Chinese and Indians as Indians. There will be no such race as Melachin (Malay Chinese or Chinese Malay) or Malindo (Malay Indian or Indian Malay which can only come through intermarriages, and hence total ASSIMILATION. What we are after is not ASSIMILATION but NATIONAL INTEGRATION and hence there is and will forever be Malaysians that include all the races in this country
The WEALTH DISTRIBUTION in this country is SKEWED in favour of the Chinese and does not reflect the POPULATION COMPOSITION of the country at all. The Chinese who had been long in business control and monopolize almost all lines of business activities. Although there had been some restructuring achieved, the identification of race with economic function is still dominant in present Malaysia’s economic and social landscape even after two decades of social engineering under the New Economic Policy
Whilst the Chinese continue their dominance in the economic and business spheres, the DISPARITY in INCOME DISTRIBUTION between the Malays and the Chinese is widening and amongst the Malays the INCOME DISTRIBUTION is also widening i.e. between the SUPER RICH Malays and the VERY POOR Malays. So we have TWO very unhealthy and dangerous TRENDS going simultaneously in our society. But as a countervailing force a relatively large middle class has emerged over the last 30 years especially amongst the Malays. This has to some extent provided a “BUFFER” of sort against any form of extremism by any section of the society. It is a PLUS point for us in terms of SOCIAL STABILITY. But of late this stability is beginning to be threatened and exacerbated by political squabbles.
The LEADER or PRIME MINISTER of this country and the Menteri Besar of the State must be from the DOMINANT race in this case the Malays because the Malays and other Bumiputra groups will constitute the MAJORITY voters for many years to come.. UMNO has been the main political party for the Malays before and after Independence although there is PAS which is gaining strength to attract more Malays and of late Party Keadilan Rakyat.
The Malays as the majority race are now divided in terms of their political loyalty. UMNO which hitherto used to be the dominant party for the Malays is being challenged by PAS and PKR. The declining supports by the Malays towards UMNO are due to various factors but amongst the key ones which we believe will take a LONG TIME to BE CORRECTED are as follows
- UMNO has become over the last TWO DECADES or so an elitist party for the rich and famous, for the corporate and business people, the high middle income class, the budding contractors and middlemen and the UMNOPUTRA, no longer representing the vast majority of the Malay populace both in the rural areas and in squatter or low income urban areas where they are still economically and socially far behind compared to the Chinese
- . .
- The Malays ‘ PERCEPTION of UMNO has radically changed after the last two decades when UMNO was under Tun Mahathir’s stewardship .During that time those in UMNO or those who want to join UMNO has only ONE OVERRIDING objective to accumulate wealth and to become rich and NOT to SERVE the rakyat. Only through UMNO you can become rich quickly without hard work and sweat because it is accomplished by the PRINCIPLE who you know and NOT by what you know Hence we have a new nomenclature OKB “Orang Kaya Baru” for the NEWLY RICH which was created by this System often refered to as CRONYSM, NEPOTISM. For anyone to be successful one must come within the AMBIT or CIRCLE of UMNO politics IF you are OUTSIDE, forget it no matter how good you are!! . The PROOF is in front of your eyes – present and past Wakil Rakyat and ADUNs and those who are closely linked with UMNO or UMNO linked companies or individuals and hence the terminology GLC or “Government linked companies” is an offshoot of this. The real living PROOF is TUN DAIM and TUN MAHATHIR. No one knows how much each of them is WORTH? But if we use SUHARTO or MARCOS as a benchmark, we should have a fair idea their Net Worth
- UMNO does not have Leaders or able to produce leaders during Mahathir’s era “ UMNO KETANDUSAN PEMIMPIN YANG DI SEGANI dan BUKAN DI GERUNI , YANG IKHLAS DAN BUKAN BERMAIN RASUAH BERKHIDMAT UNTUK BANGSA DAN NEGARA DAN BUKAN UNTUK PERUT SENDIRI AHLI KELUARGA DAN SAUDARA MARA ATAU SAHABAT HANDAI Those leaders under his tutelage are characterized by “rakus” “ materialistic” ‘selfish and Machiavellian” The PROOF – again in front of your EYES. Tell me who amongst top UMNO leaders at present are FREE from SCANDALS and CORRUPTION. Each and almost every one of them has been TAINTED in one way or the other and each one has a “STORY” behind them. In short UMNO leaders today do not have the MORAL FIBRE nor the INTELLECTUAL CALIBRE of leaders of yester years like Tun Razak, Tun Dr, Ismail,. Aziz Ishak Tun Saadon Zubir, Dato’Sulaiman Abd Rahman and Datuk Harun to name a few. Look at UMNO present leaders now
- Pak Lah –the PM. Mr. Nice Guy. He is SINCERE to put THINGS RIGHT. But he is TOO MUCH being controlled by his son in law and his own son on grounds of POLITICS and BUSINESS His involvement with certain INDIVIDUALS in business had become talk of the town He relied TOO MUCH on the Fourth Floor boys the so called OXBRIDGE experts. They may be good on paper but NAÏVE in everything else. Pak Lah’s strong reliance on them had been FATAL and CATASTROPHIC that led to his own down fall not only within UMNO but as the PM as manifested by the March 8th election. . Pak Lah should have learnt from Tun Razak HOW to PICK his people to advise and help him. But of course GOOD JUDGEMENT comes only from GOOD AND CAPABLE LEADERS. Grapevine stories had it that his EXIT PLAN by Jun 2010 is to pave the way to SORT out his family businesses given the massive commitments that had been made on the BASIS that he would continue to be the PM at his pleasure. So he needs this minimum time and I tell you he would not budge not for any reason but this. Yes he can use other reasons to justify his time exit like seeing the REFORM on the Judiciary, strengthening the ACA etc but these are mere COINCIDENCE now. The real reason is more personal. Again this is human nature. After all Mahathir did the same thing- making sure that ALL HIS SIBLINGS and their businesses are taken care of and what ever PROBLEMS they still have like Bank Borrowing etc are all RESOLVED in one way or another through write-offs and the like so that they will not be DISTURBED and continue with their businesses when the Tun is no longer the PM
- Najib – he is a pedigree with very good family background, very capable and intelligent. But now his image is tarnished somewhat by the Altantuya debacle AND like other UMNO leaders there are also SIDE STORIES relating to his own WEAKNESS with the opposite sex which his political enemies are ever ready to expose when the time comes! Especially Anwar Ibrahim The other minus for Najib is that HE WILL NOT be as COMMITTED as Abdullah to FIGHT corruption, TO DIG INTO PAST MISDEEDS of the previous administration, to GO ALL OUT to improve the judiciary especially in seeing THRU the LINGAM TAPE debacle. to its logical conclusions whereby the NAMES mentioned in the tape will be PROSECUTED without FEAR or FAVOUR under the various Acts that had been mentioned
- Muhyidin Yassin - He is becoming a maverick of late out of FRUSTRATION not for anything else. He too has SIDE STORIES ready to be told especially during his days as MB of Johor relating to various land deals which Anwar is too familiar. Grapevine stories had it that he also had extramural activities. But this is common amongst UMNO stalwarts anyway with all the scandal stories.
- The Malays are in real DILEMMA. To turn to UMNO, they are faced with these sorts of leaders and the other leaders down the ladder are no different and even worse. Look at Rahim Thamby Chik who wants to make a comeback of sort. or Muhammad Taib who is made a Minister despite his previous history .Tengku Adnan is mentioned in the Lingam Tape, Khir Toyo is known to everyone in Selangor for his corruption. Look at Nor Yacob coming from nowhere was made the de facto Minister of Finance because Pak Lah just does not have the time. This man was partly responsible for the billion lost in forex dealings by Bank Negara in the 80’s and the late Governor Jaffar Hussein had to take the rap. Nor Yacok left Bank Negara for a while but called back by Mahathir as his Advisor!!. Talk to any senior ex Bank negara staff, they will tell you all about this man. The MB’s and other Ministers are all below par, NO CALIBRE WHY? The good ONES in UMNO had been pushed aside or ostracized by MAHATHIR during his 22 years in power.Mahathir cannot stand people who are better than him and who can think independently. All that is left are either YES MAN who can’t think for themselves or are inherently useless. It only shows how desperate and critical for UMNO to day in terms of having LEADERS with impeccable INTEGRITY AND INTELLECTUAL PROWESS. But whatever it is UMNO leaders during Mahathir time by any stretch of imagination had a GOOD TIME for MORE THAN TWO DECADES. Those who had retired had made their piles and become very well off in RETIREMENT and you can see all of them be it ADUN, Wakil Rakyat. EXCO, MB Ministers etc. AND the PRESENT LEADERS will for sure CONTINUE with this CULTURE unless they are damn stupid not to. So where do the Malays go now? To Pakatan Rakyat?? As an alternative??
YES to PAKATAN, not that they love Pakatan that much BUT they have no choice but to go for the lesser DEVIL. This was what happened on March 8th General election. Surprisingly, based on a random survey privately undertaken MOST ordinary Malaysians RIGHT NOW are prepared to let PAKATAN run this country even more so with SQUABBLES within UMNO and within BN currently going on unabated. They just want TO GIVE PAKATAN A CHANCE. If they don’t perform and deliver, as they say we can always revert back to BN at the next General Election in 2013 And THIS FEELING is very prevalent and is INCREASING in intensity by the day.
What are PAKATAN STRENGTHS? Can they do what BN cannot do? We believe Pakatan can have a major IMPACT in preventing corruption and RESOLUTE in punishing those who were corrupt previously. Case in point is the LINGAM TAPE. The Pakatan Government will not compromise on the need to establish TRUTH on this ISSUE but we feel the BN would! Simply because most if not ALL UMNO leaders to day live in “glass houses” Now with Zaid the de facto Law Minister resigning it will only reinforce NOT to get at the TRUTH. Pakatan will be more committed towards TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY and will be RESOLUTE in dealing with the MISDEEDS under Tun Mahathir’s Administration, even to the extent of GETTING BACK the PEOPLE”S MONEY that had been misused through the ABUSE of power. The Pakatan government will do like what the present Indonesian Government has done or doing towards the late President Suharto regime and including his family. And there will no holds barred because PAKATAN leaders do not live in glass houses- not involved in CORRUPTION.. NO T YET any way!! .They can go to the maximum limit of their endurance to investigate and punish the wrong doers. without FEAR or FAVOUR ,
Remember the ESTIMATE made by an American Research Organization that the amount of money spent through CORRUPTION in Malaysia over the last 30 years comes to 300 billion Dollars. Who are the RECEIPIENTS of these HUGE sums of money and WHERE is the money STASHED? What happened in Malaysia is no different to what had happened in Indonesia during Suharto regime and in the Philippines during Marcos’s time We believe the move to recover at least some amount of this money. This RECOVERY PROGRAMME is one of the top Agenda by the Pakatan should they come to power. And for sure this will send COLD SWEAT and SHUDDERS into the spines of those involved. who are still around even though they may have KEPT their ill gotten gains abroad!
Tun Mahathir’s sudden interest to come back to UMNO when Pak Lah is still around is quite baffling. But did you realize as soon the Tun announced his intention after Mahyidin’s announcement, one by one other UMNO leaders join the CHOROUS welcoming him back! What does this signify? Many of UMNO leaders and stalwarts in Government to day are still Mahathir’s men. Pak Lah did not replace many of Mahathir’s cabinet members. Of course they don’t show their true colors under Pak Lah. But now we know who and who are with Pak Lah and who are not. This is politics where you have no permanent friends or enemies The Tun believes that under Najib he will be more or less PROTECTED or will not be PROSECUTED. Under Pak Lah is 50-50 but under Anwar it is as sure as hell!! This is what the TUN feared most and of course if that happens ALL that he had built or accomplished will come to zero. Deep in his heart this might happen should Anwar becomes the PM .There is no VALID reason for the Tun who had RETIRED from political life to continue MEDDLING with the affairs of the State EXCEPT for this deep FEAR. Because if it can happen to Suharto, Marcos, Fujumori and even Mugabe his good friend FOLLOWING a CHANGE of government it can also happen to him. Only God knows ant only time will tell. Let us all wait and see what the ENDING looks like
WE should know the real ARCHITECT responsible to shape UMNO into what it is to day and the PROBLEMS created as a consequence. Who introduced the quota system into UMNO’s election? Who inculcated the “rakus” and “materialistic” and “greed” culture into UMNO? Who planted the seeds of CORRUPTION in our society which has now become ingrained in our CULTURE? When does “Money Politics” find its place and get entrenched in UMNO? Only after 1982. Unfortunately, the DIRECT BENEFICIARIES of the SYSTEM (those 1,000 over UMNO members who attend the PerhimpunanAgung every year) do not see or even realize how their party UMNO had been TRANSFORMED simply because they all have become BLIND and LOST in their OWN WORLD of FANTASY, MATERIALISM and POWER, doing wrong things for the right reasons with the ENDS always justifies the MEANS. Only some enlightened ordinary UMNO members amongst the 2 to 3 million of them are aware how their PARTY had been transformed, but being no entities or small fries they are HELPLESS to do anything under the Draconian System of Mahathirism. If the Malays are still not CONSCIOUS (INSAF) and failed to UNDERSTAND all this, then they are just doomed. “MAHATHIRISM” and all its manifestations should be a real watershed in the history of this nation and to the history of UMNO in particular. Under his iron fist hands he developed the system so SUBTLY throughout the decades hoodwinking everyone but only become CONSCIOUS of its GRAVE CONSEQUENCES when the System’s began to show its ugly face when past MISDEEDS were uncovered and unfolded as time goes on leaving the present leaders to carry the cans as they say and to deal with them.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
One UMNO branch head was shot dead; two Divisional committee members including an ADUN are facing corruption charges. There are also reports on money politics and unruly conduct like throwing punches and chairs by members at these meetings.
And of late a Divisional head defies UMNO President and his Deputy by refusing to make a public apology for making a purportedly “seditious” remark during the recent Permatang Pauh by election. Surprisingly he is getting the support of all the other Divisional Heads in the State of Penang, home of the Prime Minister and UMNO President.
Why are all these happening and who is behind it all?
Seriously, UMNO is in a total DISARRAY now. As a political party UMNO has become weak and made worst by a weak leader who just want to FOCUS on his personal matters prior to leaving the scene in June 2010. Meanwhile the country is being run on auto pilot. As a result the non Bumi component parties in the Barisan are becoming very vocal on their demands and have become to the point of being disrespectful on issues sensitive to the Malays. UMNO seems to take on all to itself with little or no regard to the other partners in the Barisan. This does not augur well with the Barisan spirit. And on top of that UMNO itself is besieged with its own internal problems.
Now Tun Mahathir wants to lick his spit by rejoining UMNO. He had expressed his intention through Muhyidin Yasin who was present at meeting in Mahathir's residence in Cyberjaya recently. The meeting was called by the Tun. Also present were Tunku Razaleigh who Mahathir endorsed to fight Pak Lah for the UMNO President. So now you see the scenario shaping up.
Tengku Razaleigh and Muhyidin will be the duo to challenge Dollah and Najib for the No 1 and No 2 positions respectively.
For UMNO youth there will be Mukhriz against Khairy.
Khir Toyo and Adnan (pic) are jokers only and just become vote spoilers.
Joker 1 of 2
But the ultimate or bigger scenario is this.... If Ku Li succeeded in getting nominated for the Presidency thru the present quota system, many BELIEVE that he will win the Presidency when voting by delegates will be “secret”. At least that is how it appears. The people at large, the business community, and the foreigners know Ku Li is much better than Dollah in most respects and can count on him to lead the country. But you know this is more than what it appears on the surface.
Remember the aftermath of the 1986 UMNO election when Mahathir beat Ku Li for the president and subsequently UMNO was declared illegal. Ku Li was ostracized by Mahathir because he does not want Ku Li to lead UMNO. Now Mahathir wants Ku Li to lead UMNO and become Prime Minister. What an ABOUT TURN of events or what a paradox!!
Why Mahathir wants Ku Li to be PM? Perhaps, if Anwar becomes PM, all Mahathir’s corrupt practices in the past during his premiership if any , will be EXPOSED even more vigorously than what Pak Lah is now doing. Pak Lah is just correcting the abuses and misdeeds of Tun Mahathir no more any less. He has not SPECIFICALLY dug anything the Tun did MISUSING his power which Anwar had in fact done. In fact Anwar had made POLICE REPORTS and REPORTS to the ACA on Mahathir before, besides filing civil suits against him.
That is why Mahathir said if Anwar become the PM he will leave this country just like many of his friends did e.g Fujimori of Peru and Marcos of the Philippines. The late Suharto would have done the same thing when the arms of the law were getting closer and closer to him but was saved by his age and health. Right now the Tun does not SLEEP at night since Anwar came into Parliament.
Some say he is occasionally “URINATING IN HIS TROUSERS when someone mentioned Anwar coming to be the next PM".
But will he be SAFE under Tengku Razaleigh as PM? Ku Li had been on a “love-hate” relationship with Mahathir for years since leaving UMNO and formed Semangat 46. Yes, Tun Mahathir will be safer under Tengku Razaleigh. Mahathir knew too much on Ku Li’s alleged involvement in the Bank Bumiputra fiasco in Hong Kong that led to the murder of Jalil, the Banks’ executive and his other activities in the 70’s and early 80’s when he was so powerful. So Mahathir has got Tengku Razaleigh’s very much UNDER HIS CONTROL. So, if Ku Li tries to be funny after becoming PM he will face disastrous consequences and his premiership will be short lived.
This in a NUTSHELL is what is at stake. The entire goings on now within UMNO, among BN components and whatever manifestations we now see are being orchestrated by Mahathir and gang. You see how INFLUENTIAL he is even after retiring and out of UMNO.
The present clashes between UMNO and Gerakan in Penang and putting Dolah and Najib in the midst of it all are all the result of Mahathir’s SCHEME to embarrass Najib and Dolah so much so their CREDIBILITIES are now questioned especially by the Malays.
To Mahathir, Dolah and Najib are just his boys who can be manipulated especially when they did not obey his orders! And they are STILL ARE until to day don’t you see. So who is the GODFATHER? What is his next move between now and December and thereafter? AND don’t forget the other side of the equation ANWAR and his PAKATAN move to wrest the Government by 16 September or at some later dates?
The COUNTDOWN has begun.
Friday, July 4, 2008
"The Godfather" Part 2

Or are they part and parcel of moves by the Godfather?
Any far and critical thinking person must try to analyze the relationship between these two phenomena. Anwar’s sodomy may be planted .But by whom? Presumably by a very influential group X close to the power that be and the Altantuya affidavit may also planned by the same group. Final objective is to destroy or eliminate “politically” two very important targets we know who they are! If successful, the way forward is easy for any bidder of the no 1 position in UMNO and even No 2. But Anwar’s sodomy allegation has other dimension.
Many people may not realize or refuse to accept that, the Pakatan Rakyat influence is gaining momentum at the grassroots level day by day. Some people say the Reformasi movement is already unstoppable, undoubtedly aided by the freedom people have now under Pak Lah! The rakyat have seen within their first 100 days, in power they mean business. Whereas the BN especially UMNO is still groping to find out what went wrong, let alone taking corrective measures. The BN popularity which is already going downhill after March 8 election is further eroded by the fuel increase, although inevitable, yet very difficult for the majority of the people to accept. Like it or not it has tarnished further the BN and even more so under the present leadership
At the back of all this, we have the Royal Commission investigations underway. Of course we do not know how it is progressing. But we see that the AG’s office which plays a crucial role to oversee the investigations by the various agencies as directed by the AG himself, will also be entangled not only with the new sodomy case but also the 1998 case which Anwar is submitting a report on the IGP and the AG. The question is all these “happenings” planned? And by whom? What are the stakes involved. One thing which many people do not know is that PRIOR to such happenings, there was a very strong RUMOUR or grapevine story that one or two individuals had wanted to bring back to Malaysia CASH RM 5 billion from Indonesia. This requires Bank Negara’s approval for such money to be transmitted or brought back and the Governor according to some reliable source was purportedly not very happy with such an arrangement and this has angered the two individuals. Who are these two? They must be the ONES who had ABSCONDED or ROBBED money from this country and its people previously. How did the so much money go there and in what form? It all happened during those boom years when we still have BIG notes like 1.000 and 500 ringgit notes. All the money taken to Indonesia was in solid cash because that is the only safest way to bring money out of the country without going through the banking system.
Hey remember our friend "Mike Tyson" (pic) who did the same in Australia and got nabbed by the Australian customs for failing to declare. But he had a good reason. He could not understand English as written in the declaration forms!
But coming to our 5 billion cash. Why are they bringing back the money now? Well with all the happenings going on, the common denominator is power and MONEY. Remember I said before, whoever has the money will call in the shots!! And money is most needed at this vital hour, NOW! to use it to BUY individuals. This is nothing unusual in Malaysian politics when “Money Politics” had long crept in into the system fathered by Tun Mahathir. This 5 billion story is not concocted but had been widely talked about amongst the elite circles, professionals and even a few bankers on the ground of anonymity which gives some credibility to its authenticity. Remember the country lost RM 360 billion through corruption over the last two decades as revealed in Parliament by the defacto Law Minister .Those that have squandered such money must be burying them somewhere overseas and the homecoming of the 5 billion is not a surprise at all. It is part of it all
We believe that certain groups close to Tun Mahathir fear very much should Anwar comes into power., because if he does as he declared publicly by coming September, then Tun Mahathir will be in a real soup. Although as I have said earlier, both Tun and Anwar are sharp shooters and have ample ammunitions to go after each other, there is a difference if Anwar is PRIME MINISTER. Mahathir will be a dead duck and his fate will be just like Suharto and Marcos – all at the pleasure of the newly anointed Prime Minister. In the meantime the Lingam Tape investigations which was an Anwar’s initiative, remember, are going on and who knows by September something might come out of the investigations and the 6 individuals may well be dragged to the Courts for trials!! All these can happen at the discretion of the Prime Minister. So the Tun is really worried over Anwar’s increasing popularity and he will try to do all possible within his means to STOP Anwar to become the next PM. He wanted very much to put Najib as PM because his safety is assured. At least he can count on Najib’s protection. But we know Najib does not play to Tun Mahathir’s tune and the Tun has been totally disappointed with Najib calling him a coward etc etc
What will be the OUTCOME of the police investigation on Anwar’s second sodomy? If this stupid 23 years old boy was planted by those that fear Anwar, then the chances are that there is no case of sodomy. Yes they can create the conditions for the existence of sodomy just like the mattress stains remember in Anwar’s earlier trial, the poor fellow running here and there with the mattress that was purportedly used during the act – and remember how embarrassing it was after being shown over the TV again and again and seen by the millions of people then. Imagine too the feelings of Anwar’s own family members! We don’t think Anwar will forget what the Tun did to him on this score. There are others who think that the sodomy episode was Anwar’s own concoction for the simple reason that he wants to distract attention since many feel that Anwar cannot and will not deliver what he had promised, that is to take over the Government by September. Well this is one plausible scenario. One thing is very clear here. Whichever side we are looking from, one can feel the sense of “DESPERATION” from each and every corner concerned that something decisive must be done and that time is fast running out .The TORNADO is coming, and the question is has the GODFATHER made any move yet? I will make another come back after seeing what goes on after Anwar left the Turkish Embassy.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
"The Godfather"
Let us ponder over these questions relating to current political happenings. Some of these questions are already in our minds. Why is there a move to pass a vote of no confidence on Abdullah? Is the move really coming from the Opposition or from within UMNO itself. Where do Tun Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh fit in the political jigsaw puzzle to remove Abdullah? And Najib has openly stated that he would not destroy UMNO which his father had built and he will remain loyal to UMNO and Pak Lah as his No 2. Where does he fit in as well? This is how I look at the entire scenario:
Anwar wants to become the Prime Minister. Before he can do that he has to “eliminate” Tun Mahathir, that is to say the Tun should not be a factor at all in his equation to become the next PM. Right now Tun Mahathir is THE stumbling block to Anwar and as long as Tun is around it is going to be hell for him. Why and how come? Don’t forget both were No.1 and No.2 at one time. Mahathir knows Anwar inside out and so is the reverse. In any case both are crooks of the highest order in the political sense. In fact by definition a politician is not a true politician if he is not a crook at the same time, so both of them fit in this bill very well. But what is most important, everyone should know is that, both of them had during their reign of power accumulated considerable FINANCIAL RESOURCES or simply stated huge sums of MONEY which is indispensable in to day’s political environment.
Look at Anwar, unless he has considerable financial resources, he cannot turn PKR to be as what it is today. No money means the party is just a dead duck. Where does such money come from? Or how was it obtained? This is not the place and time to discuss this. We shall reserve it for another posting. And the same for Mahathir. For 22 years as PM, his “SAVINGS” must be monumental, definitely more than enough may be to get every UMNO delegate to his side IF UMNO members still love or embrace MONEY POLITCS which they are now trying to disassociate! Don’t forget Tun Daim his sidekick as Minister of Finance. Daim owns banks all over the globe and had cash one billion stashed in one Bank in Singapore according to reliable private banking sources. Mahathir too is filthy rich and has to be RICHER than Daim unless Mahathir himself is too naïve to let Daim surpass him. But we don’t think so. The Tun too lives a life of luxury like sailing in the Mediterranean, in luxury yachts and staying in Ferragamo’s resort etc. His children too have houses in Vancouver and London just like his other cronies. Someone mentioned that Daim owns a castle in Europe where his boys used to meet. With their huge and almost unlimited FINANCIAL RESOURCES both can become real kingmakers!
Today, political power is synonymous with money power. This is political reality. Money will get you anything - POWER, POSITION, STATUS - you name it. So the man with the deepest pocket will call the shots. This FACTOR must be kept in mind all the time when analyzing to day’s political scenario. You can be scandalous, you can even be a murderer, but all these can be resolved in one way or the other in your favour through the power of MONEY. When you look at the basics, the political struggle for power be it by the BN, PKR or DAP and even PAS is to have Money and control over MONEY. Service to the Rakyat becomes secondary because if you don’t have money what services are we talking about.
For Anwar to realize his ambition, he needs help from Abdullah. Don’t forget Anwar was released from prison only after Abdullah became Prime Minister. So Abdullah has and can offer a lot to Anwar to REALISE his premiership dream. And since Abdullah has openly declared that he would pass on the baton to Najib at the right time, it is the more logical for Anwar to approach Pak Lah and really talk the terms with him. Pak Lah can make use of Anwar to silence Mahathir if he wants too, given Anwar’s precarious and vulnerable position vis a vis Mahathir. Anytime the Tun can spill the beans on Anwar, although Anwar too can do like wise on the Tun. After all both have in their possessions the necessary bullets to fire one another. The only question is who has the most number of bullets and who the sharper shooter is. You need to ponder on the answer. Remember when Anwar fled the political scene; he took with him “files” which according to the media reports then were stashed overseas only to be reopened when the time comes. The authenticity of this allegation of Anwar in possession of “vital secret” documents is a question mark. Anwar has to be careful to use it, lest he can be charged under the Official Secrets Act.
The Lingam tape exposure was Anwar’s first real salvo towards Mahathir. Powerful bullet indeed; but to date it does not shake the Tun that much. Yes he was hit but not at the vital part and who knows the Tun will survive the “shot”. After all he had survived many shots before including his second bypass and still going strong. Will Anwar fire his second bullet? The Tun has not fired at Anwar at all. What would be his game plan- to let Anwar finished his bullets? But remember Ezam, the man who rejoined UMNO. He was purportedly having in his custody many of the so called “secret files” that were hijacked when he and Anwar left the Treasury Building. Ezam must have taken away some of these bullets or already given some to his new boss Pak Lah by now. And Pak Lah can either use it to shoot Anwar or give it to someone else to do it for him. Tun Mahathir knows what bullets Anwar has all this time in his possession. So the Tun’s next move is quite unpredictable. And this we must expect because the man IS a very unpredictable person, even in his twilight years.
Coming back to Tun Mahathir/Anwar dichotomy, what can Anwar tell of the Tun that would really put him in a defenseless state? Will it be Tun’s abuse of power on FINANCIAL SCANDALS? As Finance Minister Anwar should know what was going on in all the controversial issues where MONEY is involved, like Perwaja, the National Car, Putrajaya, bailing out of companies owned by his friends and cronies, including his own son’s shipping company by Petronas as alleged by some people and all the MEGA PROJECTS associated with Tun. Hey its coming like HIGH NOON! May be it is! And if it comes thru, they just “kill” each other “politically” that is. Or some one who is more powerful will kill each of them one by one just like the film “Enam Jahanam” but in this case “Dua Jahanam” only. As for Tengku Razaleigh, his role is one of a Court Jester to put it mildly in the current political happenings. No dispute over his past contributions to the country especially to the Malays, but for Tengku Razaleigh to make a political comeback is just not on. He has past his times. He was a man of YESTERDAY and today not many UMNO Divisional Heads who are the delegates to the forthcoming UMNO Assembly in December know him!
Who is the GODFATHER? And will he make his move. You have to wait for my next round of exposure.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Mahathir Record

The availability of oil money and Petronas under his direct control has no doubt became the driving force behind his foray into these mega projects including the heavy industry as well as for bailing out public and private companies from the fallout of the 1996/1997 Asian financial crisis. The national car project was developed at very high social costs to the country and people, when it could have been done differently and at a much cheaper costs and still meet our national objectives and aspirations. Just look at what Thailand did to its automotive industry which is robust and competitive compared to ours. And we were far ahead of Thailand at one time.
Perwaja is another disaster that has to be salvaged. Is the Formula One circuit financially viable and self financing or still dependent upon the continuing injection of public money or Petronas money? What did the country get substantively out of the twin towers apart from having the tallest building in the world but not anymore now? Was the twin tower buildings’ space fully occupied upon completion? Did our construction industry and our major contractors gain any technological mileage in terms of construction expertise and new skills for our labour force when we engaged foreign contractors and foreign labor for their construction?
I tried to list down what are his positive contributions to the country especially to the ordinary citizens that could make them remember him in their hearts for a long time. We are not talking of the few hundred families or individuals that became direct beneficiaries of his 22 year administration through negotiated contracts, privatization deals, business monopolies, exclusive supplies and services, but the millions of ordinary low income and poor people in the rural and urban areas throughout the country.
Frankly, not much can be documented for their direct well being and welfare, except the widening disparity of incomes between the major races and within a race and between urban and rural areas during his administration. The gaps between the rich and the poor were forever widening. I only see more and more negatives than positives, as enumerated by PCA Lee, like the thriving corruption, the erosion of public confidence on the judiciary, racial polarization, and wastage of public funds like substandard buildings, schools, roads implemented through direct negotiations and consequently abandoned but later salvaged by the new administration at tremendous costs to the nation. To add to the shopping list of negatives is the declining respect for our laws because you can do wrong things for the right reason. Or you can be spared of your wrong doings before the law if you can tell the judges what to do. Anything is possible at the right price
The explosion in the number of award for honorific titles amongst Malaysians happened during his premiership so much so that cynical remarks were made by every Dick, Tom and Harry that if someone throws a stone on the street or at any public gathering or function, the chances are that you will hit a Dato’, Dato' Seri or Tan Sri. The scramble for getting such titles became paramount as they provide tremendous mileage in terms of securing preferential treatment of sorts and access to the corridors of power all which add a new dimension to the Malaysian culture and way of life. Hence it is not what you know but who you know and what you have before your name that finally matters. It is not far fetched to say that the basic rationale and justification for conferring these honorific titles had been compromised or almost thrown overboard. It has become commercially driven to a large extent and the people know this fully well that many who were conferred with these titles do not deserve them. Many go for these honorific titles to redeem or camouflage their past misdeeds in the eyes of the public. But last and not least I have never come across or heard a former Prime Minister of this country being called a Firaun or Pharaoh. To the Muslims who read and understand the Koran this is a very degrading and unpalatable name to call anyone.
We must be fair to the Tun and let us hope as time goes on more and more of his good deeds and not his misdeeds will be unfolded so that as the saying goes, elephants leave behind its tasks, the tigers its stripes when they die. For the mortal human beings, they leave behind their names.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Pakatan Rakyat 100 Days in Power
Without detailing the various actions taken by each one of them in their respective States, a general perception of sort is beginning to be formed by the public during their first 100 days in office that has a lot in common. First, the PR leaders lead by examples as reflected in their social behavior and actions especially for the underprivileged. They also showed, total abhorrence towards public wastage in all its forms, like big mega projects, right down to official travels, entertainment and ceremonies.
Fighting corruption is their topmost agenda. To this end, they are very action oriented towards establishing transparency and good governance in their respective states. Of course, as many people alleged, they are new in power and as usual new brooms sweep well, at least for the time being. But whatever your take on the issue, it cannot be denied, at least up till now, PR leaders especially those in the government had an impeccable record in terms of their honesty and integrity. None had got entangled with any form of scandal or implicated in corruption, at least not the public is aware of. Of course this could be due to the fact that they have never been in power before, except for PAS in Kelantan. Hence they have not tasted blood yet as they say.
We will keep a close watch on them and only time will tell. But we believe that if they can keep up and sustain their integrity and clean image and most importantly, their commitment and sincerity to serve the rakyat, and not themselves they can last very long, barring any unforeseen blunders such as scandals or corruption.
Whether we like it or not and whether we want to accept it or not, our leaders on the other side of the spectrum are quite the reverse. Scandals and corruption have tainted many of them. This is the hard core problem especially in UMNO as the backbone of the BN coalition. It also plagues the other component parties too. The people, especially the young generation just cannot get rid of their minds the fact that most people in UMNO especially amongst their leaders are corrupt or have been corrupt and their priority is self service and not people. Until this stigma is removed, UMNO can never go back to it’s hey days of pre and post independence of the 60’s and 70’s. Until and unless these corrupt individuals are flushed out of the system, UMNO is going to be business as usual.
You can have countless seminars, brainstorming sessions, but as long as these corruptly tainted or pro corrupt individuals continue to be around and lead the party there can never be any rejuvenation, re-branding or whatever astounding or glamorous name you choose for UMNO.
By the same token the Pakatan Rakyat government will meet the same fate the moment their leaders become greedy and power crazy which history had shown will only lead to scandals, corruption and more corruption and eventually downfall.