Sunday, October 18, 2009


Presiden UMNO Dato' Seri Najib telah menyampaikan amanat nya kepada perwakilan UMNO di Perhimpunan Agung yang baru selesai. Mesage beliau senang. Ahli UMNO mesti bekerja keras untuk mendampingi rakyat,peka terhadap kehendak dan rintihan mereka,berkhidmat untuk rakyat bukan untuk perut sendiri. Yang penting sekali, jangan terlibat dalam rasuah, kerana persepsi rakyat UMNO ada lah parti rasuah. Jangan minta kontrak dan jagan mengharapkan habuan darimana mana pihak.

Terus terang di nyatakan amat SUKAR bagi UMNO untuk berubah lebih lebih lagi memenuhi kehendak Presiden nya .Pemimpin pemimpin UMNO dari peringkat yang tertinggi hingga lah ke peringkat cawangan telah sedikit sebanyak terlibat dalam "rasuah" maupun politik "nepotisma" dan "cronisma". Ini telah menjadi periok nasi mereka bahkan mereka telah banyak mendapat munafaat dari sistem yang sedemikian. Tak mungkin mereka akan bolih berubah menjadi "Orang Alim"atau "Wali"bencikan rasuah atau lebih tepat bencikan "wang"dalam sekelip mata. Kehidupan mereka akan terjejas jika sistem ini tidak lagi wujud dalam UMNO. Ahli ahli akan marah kerana tak dapat apa apa lagi saperti kontrak, lesen dan sebagai nya, UMNO mungkin menghadapi Krisis dalaman yang besar.Mahu tak mahu UMNO leadership terpaksa "give way" sedikit sebanyak, "SECARA SULIT" kerana jika ia di ketahui umum. UMNO akan di chap mengamalkan ""double standard"atau cakap tak serupa bikin. Namun pada hakikat nya perkara ini akan berlaku DAN terus berlaku atas dasar "political expediency" Ini bermakna UMNO akan pergi ke takuk lama atau "business as usual"

Rasuah dan perkara perkara yang berkaitan dengan nya telah menular dalam UMNO sejak zaman Mahathir. Bahkan Tun Mahathir dan Tun Daim lah yang MEMPERKENALKN RASUAH kepada UMNO serta ahli ahli nya. Bahkan kepada Negara keseluruhan nya. Di zaman Tunku Abd Rajman, Tun Razak dan Tun Hussein Onn, RASUAH chukup jarang kedengaran, bahkan tak berlaku sama sekali

. Tapi di zaman Mahathir-Daim RASUAH berleluasa. Mereka ada lah PELOPOR serta PENGASAS perkembangan Rasuah di Negara ini. Tapi malang nya UMNO hari ini tidak mahu menerima KEBENARAN ini. Kerana apa? kerana mereka juga mendapat MENAFAAT yang banyak daripada nya. Tun Mahathir memang licik tentang hal ini hinggakan ahli ahli UMNO tidak sedar bahawa mereka telah berada dalam gengaman beliau apabila terlibat dan menjadi sebahagian sistem ini. Mata mereka telah menjadi buta dan telinga pekak atas perbuatan rasuah mereka hinggkan mereka hidup dalam "DUNIA MEREKA SENDIRI", jauh dari Rakyat dan lama kelamaan terpinggir langsung dari rakyat jelata

. Mereka terus berpoya poya dengan kekayaan, kemewahan mereka, dan sanggup menyatakan bahawa Orang Melayu sudah Berjaya dan tidak perlu lagi "Pertolongan" Mereka telah menjadi kacang lupakan kulit kepada bangsa nya sendiri

Jika UMNO mahu perubahan, sekurang kurang nya antara 10 hingga 15 orang Menteri UMNO sekarang mesti di singkirkan kerana mereka terlibat dalam rasuah. dan tidak cekap, lebih mementingkan perut dan kuncu kuncu sendiri.Rakyat jelata tahu siapa di kalangan mereka itu.

Dulu Azlina menjadi Menteri. Apa sudah jadi pada Sukan negara. Punah tetapi beliau jadi kaya raya dan duduk diam sahaja menekmati kekayaan yang baru di perolihi. Khir Toyo juga sudah jadi millionair, Isa Samad di N.S dah lama menjadi millionair, mungkin billionair.

Selain daripada itu beratus ratus kuncu2 dan Macai macai juga akan terjejas jika tidak ada rasuah. Mereka ini ada lah orang orang yang menjadi barual membuat kerja kerja "warlords" UMNO saperti menaburkan wang di waktu pilihanraya, memberi sogokkan kepada kakitangan Kerajaan untuk mendapatkan kontrak2 dan lesen2, juga mendapatkan khidmatan2 saperti urut mengurut dan bekalan gadis gadis dari luar negara datang sebagai pelancong untuk keperluan ahli ahli politik dan koprat koprat UMNO MCA dan MIC. Kita dapat lihat di kaca TV dari masa ke semasa serbuan di buat atas pendatang haram. Ini semua ada kaitan dengan parti yang memerintah!! Itu sebab nya pihak penguatkuasaan (Enforcement) tidak berdaya atau putus akal untuk membenteras gejala gejala ini kerana di sebalik ini semua ada "invisible hand" yang memberi sokongan untuk memenuhi dan keperluan mereka yang berwajib.

Kesedaran yang di perlukan bagi UMNO hanya akan menjadi KENYATAAN sekurang kurang nya 20 tahun lagi, apabila mereka mereka yang berkuasa sekarang tidak ada lagi. Itu pun jika kita BERMULA dari sekarang sapertimana yang hendak di cuba olih Dato' Seri Najib. Kita mendoakan semoga beliau berjaya dan di harap juga beliau tidak pula kecewa jika hasil yang beliau mimpikan terhadap UMNO itu tidak menjadi kenyataan atau dapat di lihat dengan cepat kerana UMNO telah di ROSAKKAN olih Tun Mahathir begitu lama selama 23 tahun!! Bayangkan lah. Jika seorang bayi lahir pada mula Mahathir memerintah, bayi itu telah menjadi dewasa sekarang dan bolih mengundi. Dan yang penting sekali bayi itu telah membesar dalam suasana yang di bentuk dan di olah olih Tun Mahathir sendiri.

Satu cara lain yang RADIKAL yang bolih di fikirkan untuk menyelematkan Negara kita yang tercinta ini supaya tidak terus pergi kepada anjing "Gone to the dogs" ia lah membuat percatuan politik yang RADICAL, bermakna Najib perlu membawa Anwar dan Hadi menjadi satu PASUKAN,dalam GAGASAN SATU MALAYSIA DAN juga membawa KAUM CINA dan INDIA bersama kerana orang Melayu dengan sendiri nya tidak akan bolih memerintah negara ini dengan jaya nya tanpa SOKONGAN orang Cina dan India.dan kaum kaum yang lain. 'Sistem BERKONGSI KUASA"semestinya menjadi TERAS pemerintahan Negara ini. Bagi kaum Cina Najib bolih bawa Dr. Tan Seng Ghiaw dari DAP bersama. Ini pernah berlaku di zaman Tun Razak apabila membawa Tan Sri Dr. Tan Chee Koon yang pada ketika itu dari Parti Socialis Front untuk duduk semeja berunding Akhir nya Tun Razak telah di jemput olih Tan Sri Dr Tan Chee Koon untuk merasmikan KELINIK beliau. Kedua dua anak Malaysia ini BERJIWA BESAR!!

Bentuk SATU DASAR GAGASAN SATU MALAYSIA di mana di bawah nya akan di adakan beberapa Dasar Social dan Ekonomi yang menitikberatkan kemajuan UMMAH keseluruhan nya tanpa mengira kaum dan ugama untuk menjamin PELUANG yang saksama (equal opportunities) dengan memgambil kira pihak2 yang masih LEMAH dan ketingalan dan tercicir dalam masyarakat majmok kita. Tidak mengwujudkan millionair2 lebih2 lagi Instant Millionaire. Kita mahu kekayaan Negara di kecapi olih rakyat secara adil dan saksama. Tidak ada lagi Kronisma dan Nepotisma.

Untuk mencapai matlamat ini mereka yang memacu nya mesti BERJIWA BESAR, mengutamakan Negara dan Bangsa lebih dari kepentingan kelompok, kaum atau suku sakat. Bolih kah Najib, Anwar, Hadi dan Dr, Tan Seng Ghiaw duduk semeja? Sebenar nya tak ada pilihan lagi bagi Orang Melayu, Cina India dan lain2 kaum SELAIN DARI BERSATU. INGAT NATIONAL UNITY ada lah yang TERPENTING SEKALI dan merupakan SEGALA GALANYA bagi Negara Malaysia. TANPA NATIONAL UNITY tidak ada sebarang bentuk program pembangunan social, ekonomi maupun politik akan bolih wujud dan bertahan dalam Negara ini

FIKIRKAN lah cadangan ini sebaik baik nya dan seikhlas ikhlas nya

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This is not about the "Resurrection of Nabi Isa (Jesus) who will come down to this earth to kill DAJJAL as one of the big signs (tanda tanda besar) of the coming of Doomsday (Kiamat). This is about Tan Sri Isa Samad, the ex MB of N.S and ex Minister of Federal Territory and ex UMNO Vice President, who for all intent and purposes is already "politically dead" but resurrected recently. And he is coming out with a vangeance. His first priority before the present election is to get the Putri UMNO secretary Bibi to be his life companion after being a bachelor for so long.Not many can stand that long. His first hurdle is to strike a deal with the husband, how much to pay him which is the least problem for him. To him any amount to use the PDRM slogan "bolih selesai". So he must create a win win situation for both sides. According to reliable source this lady (Bibi) has a lot of problems, possibly financial. And this is where Isa can lay his trap. In any case it take two to tango and she too may be too willing to become the victim of the trap to make it a good "coincidence"

Next is to win the by election. If he wins he is going for real BIG in the political arena. Just imagine if he was not caught for "money politics" he would be No THREE in line to be the next Prime Minister!!now Imagine that. So if he does win this round, woe betide. His TARGET will be to become PM and nothing less than that. He has the charisma of Ghaffar Baba, get along very well with the common people, vast Financial Resources and politically astute. If not careful Hishammudin ,Zahid Hamidi and Shafie Abdal can be played out by him. His old kaki's (politicians, at the State level need to be resurrected as well, though some of them may be quite old and are no longer in the main political stream. That may be his initial set back. But he can always create new teams for him

So just remember ISA now being Resurrected

Thursday, October 1, 2009


People's perception on CORRUPTION is just like road accidents or robbery. You will not become conscious of its disastrous effect unless and until you are affected by it like when you yourself got robbed or you met with an accident or your relative. That is why people don't care much about corruption happening in our society, let alone helping to curb it. But you are wrong if you think you as a citizen or consumer is NOT AFFECTED by corruption. You are.

We could have saved millions of ringgit our own money if we dont have to pay bribes to government officials, illegitimate commissions to agents, corrupt money upfront to secure contracts etc. and all forms of "grease money" the costs of goods and services ,like tolls water and electricity will certainly come down and that is good for everybody.Corruption is so rampant in this country since two decades past that, some estimates have been made by international agency that corruption had cost Malaysia US 40 billion a year! Why do we find it so difficult to fight corruption. Why are government efforts to fight or reduce it have not been effective?.After years of private research work undertaken by various experts in this area, these are their findings which we put them in very simplistic terms so that people can understand and digest their siginificance
First and formost the Government is perceived by the people as corrupt because our law makers are corrupt. These include Ministers, MP's ADUNs and exco members under the BN

. Second the implementation of our our Anti Corruption measure is not effective in curbing corruption because the IMPLEMENTERS themselves are also corrupt. Here it refers to the Police and our Judges

. Third corruption in this country started from the TOP and from there goes down to the ground, like the famous Chinese proverb "when a fish rots it starts from the head and from there spreads to other parts of the body".This is precisely what had happened in this country over the last two decades with respect to corruption. And the effect is not only CANCEROUS but fatal. Thus when a Minister is corrupt, the Heads of Departments and the Secretary General below him will also become corrupt. The logic is simple. If my boss can do it (become corrupt) why cant I. Why not I make hay while the sun shines, after all opportunity knocks at the door but once!! . When this culture became pervasive,as what had already happened, then HELL is let loose through the Executive,Administrative and Judiciary systems of the country

. Fourth, this is why Malaysia's rating on Corruption has deteriorated so much over the years that we are now included together with the worse African States with respect to corruption. We are nowhere near Singapore our immediate neighbour.Very shameful indeed when we claim we are an Islamic country or at least the majority of its citizens are Muslims.

Fifth, we cannot eradicate this culture because it had benefited so many people, politicians, civil servants, businessmen especially those close to the Corridors of Power and all their cronies. They cannot change their life styles and they will defend the status quo at all costs,to remain in their "comfort zones" and will defend that to the last drop of their blood if need be to retain political power. No laws can ever change the situation not even another MACC. Whatever action taken is nothing but an eye wash or a shadow play. They are all pillatives, because there is no political will to take action especially against the rich , the influential and the powerful. In short the system is beyond repair and if nothing is done will get WORSE.

The Study concluded that the only way to deal with this cancerous disease is to have a NEW GOVERNMENT, although we cannot be totally sure it can do the job. But the Rakyat had been waiting for a long time for REAL CHANGES but they never came. So they are prepared to give the Barisan Alternative a chance BECAUSE whatever happens under it cannot get any worse than where we are now. The new Government has to dismantle the system and uncover all the corruptions past and present and haul those responsible before the law from the highest to the lowest ranking individuals regardless of race creed and colour. if they are found or perceived to be corrupt

. There will a period of uncertainty and even apprehension when the PENDORA boxes are opened. This is expected when there is a change of Government. But we know given reasonable time, once everything is out in the open and the Rakyat see for themselves what had been going on all these years , THINGS will slowly settle down and put in their proper place with a new CLEANSED system whereby Transparency, Integrity and Accountability will become the new foundation.for our nation to move ahead.

This is the time for CHANGE. Think about it